Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The adventure begins

Today, out of the blue, I decided to travel the world. I had been an armchair traveller till now and I thought of taking it a notch higher, I  was to become a postcard traveller. How is it so you may ask ? Well, I am to get up from the arm chair so that I can make the trip to the post office every once in a while to see which new country or uncharted terrain I have visited.

My One Postcard Project, as you would have guessed by now, is to get at least one postcard from every country or territory in the world. I know that it would be extremely difficult, as all new ventures are, but what is a adventurer if he does not take risks.

Join me in my travels and lets try to make this world a slightly better place than what it already is.

I also want to collect postcards of various UNESCO World Heritage Sites (preferably from Country where the site exists but any stamped and written UNESCO WHS card will be great)

To contact me please drop a mail at ( whoshobby [at] gmail [dot] com )


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